Pride & Prejudice Productions

Support the Artists

of Pride & Prejudice


Pride & Prejudice is about escape.  It’s a chance to disappear for a little bit in another world–a land where wit and style are the order of the day, a sister’s wise and wry words are always there, and romance is in the air.  This show is a warm mug of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day.  And during a winter that has fewer family reunions, fewer holiday parties, and a lot more chilly nights at home—a warm mug of hot chocolate is exactly what we all need.

This past year we’ve all turned to artists to see us through—to Netflix and podcasts and audiobooks.  Art may seem frivolous, but truly it’s fundamental.  Art–as we have all seen this past year–can keep us going when we are tired, worn out, burnt out.  It can comfort us, distract us, and teach us.  It can lift us up, wake us up, or help us fall asleep. It’s endlessly flexible in its ability to help us be just a tiny bit happier and better.

Right now, an entire profession is almost completely out of work.  Actors and directors and playwrights, stage managers and designers and producers.  If you want to empower those artists to tell a beautiful, beloved story–If you want a world with a little more art, a little more empathy, a little more connection—then donate $25 or as much as you possibly can in the form below.

Thank You!

Thank you gifts

  • Contribute at the Writer Level – $250 and get a copy of the novel Pride & Prejudice signed by your favorite cast member. 
  • Contribute at the Director Level – $500 and be invited to the Dress Rehearsal on December 31, 2020 at 7:30 pm CST.
  • Contribute at the Producer Level – $1000 and be listed in the live stream credits as a producer.